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Evidence Base

1770 results

2019 Zych I., Gómez-Ortiz O., Fernández Touceda L. et. al. Journal article

Parental Moral Disengagement Induction as a Predictor of Bullying and Cyberbullying: Mediation by Children’s Moral Disengagement, Moral Emotions, and Validation of a Questionnaire

2015 Marin V., Maldonado G., Lopez M. Journal article

Can Gamification be introduced within primary classes?

2017 Simeonov T. PhD Thesis

Orig. title: Виртуална педагогическа реторика и обучение в онлайн среда

Engl. transl.: Virtual pedagogical rhetoric and education in online environment

2019 Gámez-Guadix M., Mateos-Pérez E. Journal article

Longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between sexting, online sexual solicitations, and cyberbullying among minors

2015 Gámez-Guadix M., Calvete E., Orue I. et. al. Journal article

Problematic Internet use and problematic alcohol use from the cognitive–behavioral model: A longitudinal study among adolescents

2018 Österreichisches Institut für angewandte Telekommunikation Book

Orig. title: Kinder im Visier von Influencer-Marketing. Auf YouTube, Instagram und Snapchat.

Engl. transl.: Children targeted by influencer marketing. On YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat.

2019 Heinzlmaier B., Kohout R. Short report

Orig. title: Jugendwertestudie 2019. Soziale Medien, Soziale Bewegungen und Politik

Engl. transl.: Youth Values Study 2019. Social Media, Social Movements and Politics

2020 Heinzlmaier B., Rohrer M., Koller K. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Recht auf Schutz vor Gewalt!

Engl. transl.: Right to protection from violence!

2021 Matthes J., Thomas M., Stevic A. et. al. Journal article

Fighting over smartphones? Parents' excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children's use, and conflict

2017 Kerschhofer-Puhalo N., Mayer W. Journal article

My Literacies – Schrift und literale Praktiken im Alltag von Grundschulkindern