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Evidence Base

The development of eSports in Norway

Study details

Year: 2019
Scope: National
Countries: Norway
Methodology: Empirical research – Qualitative
Methods of data collection: Textual / documentary / content analysis
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Other
Other Childrens Age Group: 9-18 years old
Funder: North University, Bodø
Funder Types: University
Informed Consent: No consent needed
Ethics: Ethical considerations not mentioned
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


“The research question guiding our exploration is: How have eSports developed in Norway from 2016 to 2019 and what characterises eSports in Norway today? Our study aims to shed light on the following sub-questions: Which key incidents have shaped the development of eSports in Norway? Why to local sports clubs incorporate eSports in the repertoires when the NIF does not recognise eSports as sport? Which genres of eSport games are the most professionalised in Norway?” (2020, p. 167)

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