Orig. title: Digitala skrivtavlor - till vad, hur och varför? En studie om den digitala skrivtavlans betydelse för grundskolans digitalisering utifrån ett lärarperspektiv
Engl. transl.: nteractive whiteboards – what for, how and why? A study about the interactive whiteboard and its consequence for the digitalization of compulsory school from a teacher perspective
Study details
Year: | 2014 |
Scope: | Local |
Countries: | Sweden |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Mixed methods |
Methods of data collection: | Survey; Interview |
Researched Groups: | Teachers / Educators |
Children Ages: | Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Kids (6-10 Years old) |
Consents: | Consent obtained from teachers / caretakers; Consent obtained from school officials / principal |
Informed Consent: | Consent obtained |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design |
URL: | https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1193735/FULLTEXT01.pdf |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"The primary rationale for this inquiry is to investigate in what ways the IWB has contributed to the digitization of the school and in what ways it has changed teaching. This research explores this through a didactic lens, as well as through the perspective of the teachers themselves. The main research questions are:
• What do teachers use the IWB for?
• How do teachers use the IWB?
• Why do teachers use the IWB?"
(Author, 169)