Orig. title: Digital Didaktisk Design: Att utveckla undervisning i och för en digitaliserad skola
Engl. transl.: Digital Didactic Design: Developing Teaching Practice with Digital Technology
Study details
Year: | Not reported |
Scope: | Multinational |
Countries: | Sweden; Norway; Denmark |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Qualitative |
Methods of data collection: | Other; Survey; Interview; Ethnography / participant observation; Secondary analysis |
Other Methodology: | Documentation, teaching and learning materials |
Researched Groups: | Teachers / Educators; Children |
Funder: | The European Regional Development Fund, Interregional IVA Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak |
Funder Types: | European Union / Commission |
Consents: | Consent obtained from parents; Consent obtained from teachers / caretakers; Consent obtained from children |
Informed Consent: | Consent obtained |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design |
URL: | https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1174749/FULLTEXT01.pdf |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
"1) How can teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content competence be identified?
2) How can teachers’ development of their teaching be understood in practice over time from a technological, pedagogical and content perspective?
3) Howcanprofessionaldevelopmentinitiativesbedesignedtosupport teachers' development of teaching practice, from a technological, pedagogical and content perspective?"
(Author, viii)