Orig. title: Delinquência e Criminalidade Juvenis na Justiça Juvenil e Penal em Portugal
Engl. transl.: Youth Offending in the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems in Portugal
Study details
Year: | 2020 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Portugal |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Mixed methods |
Methods of data collection: | Interview; Textual / documentary / content analysis |
Researched Groups: | Children; Policymakers and regulators |
Children Ages: | Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Adolescents (14-18 Years old); Young adults (19-24 Years old) |
Funder: | Foundation for Science and Technology |
Funder Types: | Foundation; Other |
Other Funder Type: | Post-PhD scholarship |
Has Formal Ethical Clearance: | Yes |
Informed Consent: | No consent needed |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
How does juvenile offending (12–15 years) differ from young adult offending (16–21 years) in the juvenile and criminal justice systems in Portugal? This is the major question YO&JUST addresses involving a comprehensive analysis on youth [online and offline] offending in relation to the nature and extension of Law enforcement. Based on a case study grounded in a multi-method approach, the study articulates two main objectives: 1) to characterize and discuss the youth offending patterns and offender’s trajectories recorded in judicial proceedings from Juvenile and Criminal Courts in Lisbon area; 2) to analyse how the Portuguese Juvenile and Young Adult’s Criminal Laws were enforced by exploring the Court’s decision-making processes at the prosecuting or sentencing stage.