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Evidence Base

Orig. title: Hoe kleuters YouTube videoreclame kunnen weerstaan: een empirische benadering om de uitdagingen van YouTube reclame voor kleuters te achterhalen

Engl. transl.: How Preschool Children can Resist YouTube Video Advertising: An Empirical Approach to Uncover the challenges YouTube Advertising Pose for Preschool Children

Study details

Year: 2019
Scope: Local
Countries: Belgium
Methodology: Empirical research – Experiment/Intervention
Methods of data collection: Experimental / Quasi-experimental
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Preschool (0-5 Years old)
Funder: Ghent University
Funder Types: University
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


This project examines how preschool children (aged between three and five years) are affected by YouTube advertising. In particular, we examine preschool children’s advertising literacy (their knowledge and skills) for these new ad formats. Additionally, we will examine how an advertising disclosure can help them to recognize this advertising and how parents can assist children in increasing their advertising literacy.

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