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Evidence Base

Orig. title: ACT ON! Die Monitoringstudie 2018

Engl. transl.: ACT ON! Monitoring-Study 2018

Study details

Year: 2019
Scope: Local
Countries: Germany
Methodology: Empirical research – Qualitative
Methods of data collection: Focus group
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Kids (6-10 Years old); Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old)
Funder: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)
Funder Types: National Government / Ministry
Informed Consent: Consent not mentioned
Ethics: Ethical considerations not mentioned
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


"The study focused on the following questions: -Which video platforms are popular with children? -To what extent does the credibility of Youtubers play a role for children? -To what extent do adolescents perceive online risks and how do they deal with them? The selected results address the receptive and productive use of video platforms, aspects and criteria of the credibility of Youtubers and YouTube formats, the children's perception of risks on the YouTube platform as well as the countermeasures and coping strategies developed by the children." (Oberlinner, Stecher, Gebel & Brüggen, 2020, p. 5 [translated by the coder])

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