Orig. title: Феноменът „кибертормоз“– съвременна наративна форма на агресивност в училищна среда
Engl. transl.: The cyberbullying phenomenon – contemporary narrative form of aggression in the school
Study details
Year: | 2019 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Bulgaria |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Quantitative |
Methods of data collection: | Survey |
Researched Groups: | Children |
Children Ages: | Pre-adolescents (11-13 Years old); Adolescents (14-18 Years old) |
Informed Consent: | Consent not mentioned |
Ethics: | Ethical considerations not mentioned |
URL: | https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=856937 |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
The purpose of the study conducted among adolescents from schools in different cities on Republic of Bulgaria is to establish the impact of cyberbullying on experiences and the activity of “victims” in the school environment.