Orig. title: Jugendwertestudie 2019. Soziale Medien, Soziale Bewegungen und Politik
Engl. transl.: Youth Values Study 2019. Social Media, Social Movements and Politics
Study details
Year: | 2019 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Austria |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Quantitative |
Methods of data collection: | Online quantitative methods (e.g. Online survey) |
Researched Groups: | Children |
Children Ages: | Adolescents (14-18 Years old); Young adults (19-24 Years old); Other |
Other Childrens Age Group: | Young adults (25-29 Years old) |
Funder: | Institut für Jugendkulturforschung |
Funder Types: | Other |
Other Funder Type: | Non-profit research organisation |
Consents: | Consent obtained from parents; Consent obtained from children |
Informed Consent: | Consent obtained |
URL: | https://jugendkultur.at/jugendwertestudie-2019/ |
Data Set Availability: | Data availability statement in the publication |
"1,000 16- to 29-year-olds reveal how they deal with Facebook, Instagram and Co., how they view migrants and refugees, which other topics are currently on their mind, what they think of "Fridays For Future", how important family, friends, religion and politics are to them, and what their trust in large companies, religious communities, political parties and the important institutions of the state is like. The study takes a close look at the different thinking and behaviour of migrants and autochthonous young people, as well as members of the educated and less educated classes." (Institut für Jugendkulturforschung, 2019, online; translated by the coder)