Orig. title: Online aktivnosti i rizična ponašanja adolescenata u virtualnom okruženju
Engl. transl.: Online Activities and Rish Behaviors among Adolescents in the Virtual Enviroment
Study details
Year: | Not reported |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Croatia |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Quantitative |
Methods of data collection: | Online quantitative methods (e.g. Online survey) |
Researched Groups: | Children |
Children Ages: | Other |
Other Childrens Age Group: | 15-20 years old |
Has Formal Ethical Clearance: | Yes |
Consents: | Consent obtained from children; Consent obtained from school officials / principal |
Informed Consent: | Consent obtained |
Ethics: | Ethical issues flagged in the paper |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
Main focus was to determine how adolescents spend their time online, in which activities they mostly participate, how much time they spend online, etc. Second main focus was to determine if adolescents are addicted to the internet, and if they are victims or bullies in cyberbullying activities. Also, researchers wanted to see if there is any difference between male and female students.