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Evidence Base

Predau Educație Media! Laboratorul de educație și cultură media

Study details

Year: 2018
Scope: National
Countries: Romania
Methodology: Empirical research – Quantitative
Methods of data collection: Survey
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Adolescents (14-18 Years old); Young adults (19-24 Years old)
Funder: Romanian-American Foundation
Funder Types: NGO (Advocacy, Charity, Consumer organization)
Informed Consent: Consent not mentioned


"The study research questions were: how do young people (14-19 years old) obtain their information and how do they evaluate and use online information? What is the media repertoire of Romanian young people? How the Romanian young people relate to digital technology? How can be described the passage (if any) of young people from online information to online participation?" (Velicu et al., 2019, p. 3, coders' translation)

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