Orig. title: Børn som Verdensborgere - dannelse og læring i en global og digital verden
Engl. transl.: Children as world citizens - literacy and learning in a global and digital world
Study details
Year: | 2015 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Denmark |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Mixed methods |
Methods of data collection: | Case study; Interview; Ethnography / participant observation |
Researched Groups: | Children |
Children Ages: | Preschool (0-5 Years old) |
Funder: | Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale Forhold |
Funder Types: | National Government / Ministry |
Informed Consent: | Consent not mentioned |
URL: | https://pure.au.dk/portal/da/projects/boern-som-verdensborgere--dannelse-og-laering-i-en-global-og-digital-verden(5ed7e878-9f22-4b72-9bc6-225b0fd26371).html |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
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Orig. title: Dannelse i en digital og global verden - digitale redskaber skal understøtte barnets lærings- og dannelsesproces
Engl. transl.: Literacy in a digital and global world - digital tools must support the learning and literacy process of the child