Orig. title: Kulturens medialisering: Udfordringen fra nye medier
Engl. transl.: The medialisation of culture: The challenge of new media
Study details
Year: | 2015 |
Scope: | National |
Countries: | Denmark |
Methodology: | Empirical research – Mixed methods |
Methods of data collection: | Case study; Ethnography / participant observation; Interview |
Researched Groups: | Parents |
Children Ages: | Preschool (0-5 Years old) |
Funder: | Aarhus University |
Funder Types: | University |
Informed Consent: | Consent not mentioned |
URL: | https://pure.au.dk/portal/da/projects/kulturens-medialisering-udfordringen-fra-nye-medier(15150fd0-ada5-4d60-b040-63f61b68c736).html |
Data Set Availability: | Not mentioned |
How digital media influences and is a part of parent's everyday life. The challenges of being a parent in a medialised reality