1334 results
Münster’s Inc. children as influencers balancing celebrity, play and paychecks
Video methods: researching sociomaterial points-of-view in children’s play practices with IoToys
News kids can use – to play with
Orig. title: Sprog for leg: med det digitale
Engl. transl.: Language for play: with the digital
Orig. title: Børn på YouTube – nydelse og nørderi: En måde at forstå verden omkring sig
Engl. transl.: Kids on YouTube - enjoyment and geekiness: A way to understand the world around you
Orig. title: På opdagelsesrejse med de helt små
Engl. transl.: On a journey of discovery with the very little ones
VASE - VAlue sensitive design in Higher education
Orig. title: Børns liv og leg med medier
Engl. transl.: Children's lives and play with media
Orig. title: På besøg som forsker: feltarbejde i private hjem
Engl. transl.: Visiting as a researcher: fieldwork in private homes
Making the child-computer interaction field grow up