1334 results
Orig. title: Crescendo entre ecrãs. Usos de meios eletrónicos por crianças (3-8 anos)
Engl. transl.: Growing up among screens. Uses of electronic devices by children (3-8 years)
Orig. title: Centros educativos com competências digitais e cívicas”− DiCi-Educa
Engl. transl.: Educational centers with digital and civic competences- DiCi-Educa (translated by the coder)
Orig. title: miniKIM-Studie 2014: Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 2- bis 5-Jähriger in Deutschland
Engl. transl.: miniKIM 2014: Study of the media use of 2- to 5-year-olds in Germany
Orig. title: KIM-Studie 2016: Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger in Deutschland
Engl. transl.: KIM 2016: Study of the media use of 6- to 13-year-olds in Germany
Orig. title: KIM-Studie 2018: Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger in Deutschland
Engl. transl.: KIM 2018: Study of the media use of 6- to 13-year-olds in Germany
Orig. title: 17. Shell Jugendstudie
Engl. transl.: 17th Shell Youth-Study
Orig. title: Cyberlife II
Engl. transl.: Cyberlife II
Orig. title: FIM-Studie 2016: Familie, Interaktion, Medien. Untersuchung zur Kommunikation und Mediennutzung in Familien
Engl. transl.: FIM Study 2016: Family, Interaction, Media. Study on communication and media use in families
hAPPy kids
Orig. title: Níveis de Literacia Mediática: Estudo Exploratório com Jovens do 12º ano
Engl. transl.: Levels of Media Literacy: Exploratory Study with 12th Grade Youth young students (translated by the coder)