1334 results
Orig. title: Mina. Maailm. Meedia
Engl. transl.: Me. The world. The media
Orig. title: FacePolitics. Politische Partizipationsangebote für Schüler/innen in sozialinteraktiven Medien am Beispiel Facebook.
Engl. transl.: FacePolitics. Political participation offerings for pupils in socially interactive media using, the example of Facebook.
Orig. title: Vom User-Generated-Content zum User-Generated-Copyright
Engl. transl.: From "User-Generated-Content" to a "User-Generated-Copyright"
Developing the mobile instant messaging interview (MIMI) from diaries and mobile experience sampling (MESM)
Online Grooming: Characteristics and Risk Factors of Sexual Abuse of Minors through Internet
Orig. title: Socio Media Education Eksperimentet
Engl. transl.: Socio Media Education Experiment
Orig. title: Nueva pornografía y cambios en las relaciones interpersonales. Abuso sexual infantil. Explotación Sexual en la Infancia y Adolescencia
Engl. transl.: New pornography and changes in interpersonal relationships. Child sexual abuse. Sexual Exploitation in Childhood and Adolescence
Profiles of Internet use and parental involvement, and rates of online risks and problematic Internet use among Spanish adolescents
Orig. title: “Adicciones y tecnologías”-H1477087324886 .
Engl. transl.: "Adictions and Technologies"-H1477087324886.
Orig. title: Überblick über die österreichische Jugendforschung im Bereich Jugend und Medien
Engl. transl.: Overview of Austrian youth research in the field of youth and media