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Orig. title: Digitale medier og magt i undervisningen

Engl. transl.: Digital media and power in teaching


Media power education interaction deconstruction

Publication details

Year: 2010
DOI: 10.22439/dansoc.v21i3.3359
Issued: 2010
Language: English
Volume: 21
Issue: 3
Start Page: 29
End Page: 48
Authors: Tække J.; Paulsen M.
Type: Journal article
Journal: Dansk Sociologi
Publisher: Copenhagen Business School
Place: Copenhagen
Topics: Learning; Literacy and skills; Internet usage, practices and engagement
Sample: Based on 3 out of 5 case studies in Danish highschools Observations, semistructured interviews with teachers and groups of and surveys
Implications For Educators About: Digital citizenship


This article is a media sociological study of how power relations between teachers and students emerge and vanish with the introduction of wireless network in classroom interactions. The analysis is based on three case studies from Danish upper secondary schools. The argument being defended in the article is that the long-established power relations between teachers and students are deconstructed through interaction with new media, but that the deconstruction does not occur in an unambiguous, deterministic or for teaching totally dissolving way. It is argued that the education system is at a stage of evolutionary mutation because of digital media and wireless networks, where power in teaching evolves in many diff erent ways. This article contributes to understanding the new power relations arising through the use of digital media and wireless networks by providing a conceptual framework and applying this in a current situation


An overview on how power is an issue in the relationship between students and teachers concerning how digital media is met an incorporated in the classroom and teaching I danish high schools

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