Orig. title: Bewegtbildnutzung bei Kindern 2019. Ergebnisse einer Multiplattformstudie
Engl. transl.: Children's video content usage 2019. Findings of a multi-platform study
video content usage
Publication details
Year: | 2019 |
Issued: | 2019 |
Language: | German |
Issue: | 12 |
Start Page: | 534 |
End Page: | 545 |
Editors: | |
Authors: | Schumacher G.; Frey-Vor G.; Weisser S.; Kluge E. |
Type: | Journal article |
Journal: | Media Perspektiven |
Topics: | Internet usage, practices and engagement |
Sample: | 6- to 13-year-olds: n = 844 (2019); n = 807 (2018); n = 840 (2017) + their mothers + n = 300 mothers of younger children (cf. Schuhmacher et al. 2019) |
The joint multi-platform study by ARD, ZDF and KiKA focuses on children's video content usage. Irregardless of the increasing number of mobile devices and online offerings, the TV continues to act as the most important video content device – 70% watch TV daily. The importance of YouTube, streaming platforms and social media videos increases the older children get. Older children also use media libraries and apps more frequently. In general, the smartphone is gaining importance in regards to children's video content usage.
Key findings:
- The used devices and platforms for children's video content usage are constantly increasing
- The usage varies according to age, equipment, and access
- The TV stays the most important video content platform
- Social media platforms are gaining in popularity – the older the children are, the more popular are those platforms
- Paid subscription services (e.g. Netflix) are relevant for all age groups
(cf. Schuhmacher et al. 2019)
[translated by the coder]