1770 results
Explaining Young People’s Involvement in Online Piracy: An Empirical Assessment Using the Offending Crime and Justice Survey in England and Wales
Who bullies and who is bullied online? : a study of 9-16 year old internet users in 25 European countries
Asymmetrical third-person effects on the perceptions of online risk and harm among adolescents and adults
Children’s musical and social behaviours in the context of music-making activities supported by digital tools: Examples from a pilot study in the United Kingdom
Young pupils', their teacher's and classroom assistants' experiences of iPads in a Northern Ireland school: “Four and five years old, who would have thought they could do that?”
The information behaviours of disadvantaged and disengaged adolescents
Exploring British Adolescents’ Views and Experiences of Problematic Smartphone Use and Smartphone Etiquette
Disabled children's evolving digital use practices to support formal learning. A missed opportunity for inclusion
Learning to Google: Understanding classed and gendered practices when young people use the Internet for research
Is digital upskilling the next generation our ‘pipeline to prosperity’?