1770 results
Orig. title: Doprinos socijalne samoefikasnosti i nekih sociodemografskih čimbenika u objašnjenju različitih uloga djece u vršnjačkom nasilju
Engl. transl.: Contribution of Social Self-efficacy and some Socio-demographic Factors to different Roles of Children in Peer Violence
Threats Among the “Always-On” Generation: Cyberbully Identification in a Secondary School in the United Kingdom
Young people’s tech identity performances: why materiality matters
Exploring how and why young people use social networking sites
Orig. title: Učestalost i oblici elektroničkog zlostavljanja učenika viših razreda osnovnoškolske dobi u tri različite školske sredine
Engl. transl.: Incidence and types of electronic abuse of students higher elementary grades in three different school environments
Let's go outside! Environmental restoration amongst adolescents and the impact of friends and phones
Risk behavior of students on the Internet
Differences in access to information and communication technologies
Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of YouTuber-Produced Health Content: Implications for Health Promotion
Seven-year-olds’ aggressive choices in a computer game can be predicted in infancy