1770 results
Orig. title: Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų miego sunkumų, emocinio reaktyvumo ir tėvų taikomos miego bei naudojimosi ekranus turinčiais prietaisais tvarkos sąsajos
Engl. transl.: Associations among Toddlers’ and Preschoolers’ Sleep Problems, Emotional Reactivity, Sleep Regime and Parental Applied Rules for Screen-Based Media Use
Not all screen time is created equal: associations with mental health vary by activity and gender
Is social media use associated with children's well-being? Results from the UK Household Longitudinal Study
Orig. title: Kompiuterinių žaidimų įtaka delinkventinio elgesio paauglių pozityviai socializacijai
Engl. transl.: . The Influence of Computer Games on Positive Socialization of Delinquent Teenagers: Master‘s Final Project
Improving early reading skills for beginning readers using an online programme as supplementary instruction
Roles of cyberbullying, sleep, and physical activity in mediating the effects of social media use on mental health and wellbeing among young people in England: a secondary analysis of longitudinal data
Strangers are friends I haven't met yet: a positive approach to young people's use of social media
The Same or Different? Convergence of Skin Gambling and Other Gambling Among Children
Loot Boxes, Gambling, and Problem Gambling Among Young People: Results from a Cross-Sectional Online Survey
Digital technologies, children and young people's relationships and self-care