1770 results
Children’s digital content creation: Towards a processual understanding of media production among Danish children
‘Why would you want to know?’: The reluctant use of location sharing via check-ins on Facebook among Danish youth
Design thinking and imitatio in an educational setting
Digital Production and Students as Learning Designers
The Ambiguities of Surveillance as Care and Control: Struggles in the domestication of location-tracking applications by Danish parents
Orig. title: Corona og overvågning
Engl. transl.: Corona and surveillance
Orig. title: Digitale indfødte: Kan børn finde ud af mobiltelefoner?
Engl. transl.: Digital Native: Can Kids operate Cell Phones?
Orig. title: Hvad er digital dannelse, og hvordan fremmer skolen den?
Engl. transl.: What is digital education and how does the school promote it?
Children's Media Culture: A Key to Libraries of the Future?
Democratic digital literacies: three obstacles in search of a solution