1770 results
Gender differences in the moral judgment and behavior of Israeli adolescents in the internet environment
Cyberbullying as a negative result of cyber-culture of Slovak children and adolescents: selected research findings
Social positions of students and cyberbullying
Cyberbullying in Greek Adolescents: The Role of Parents
Sexting Types and Motives Detected among Slovak Adolescents
Extent of spending leisure time through the electronic media and drug behaviour of youth
Orig. title: Szanse i zagrożenia w obszarze wykorzystania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (TIK), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aplikacji mobilnych (TIK-mobApp) przez dzieci w wieku 3-6 lat
Engl. transl.: Opportunities and threats in the area of the use of ICT, with particular emphasis on mobile applications by children aged 3-6
Smartphones and children’s mathematics
Orig. title: Od biernego odbiorcy do aktywnego mediakreatora – małe dzieci i TIK w świetle badań własnych
Engl. transl.: From Passive Recipients to Active Media-Creators: Small Children and ICT in the Light of Own Studies
Orig. title: NASTOLATKI 3.0 Raport z ogólnopolskiego badania uczniów
Engl. transl.: TEENAGERS 3.0 Report from nationwide student research