1770 results
The Portuguese programme ‘one laptop per child’ and its impact on families: a study on parents’ and children’s perspectives
Orig. title: As crianças e a internet em Portugal: perfis de uso
Engl. transl.: Children and the internet in Portugal: usage profiles
Orig. title: Jung und vernetzt. Kinder und Jugendliche in der digitalen Gesellschaft
Engl. transl.: Young and Connected. Children and adolescents in the digital society
Orig. title: KIM-Studie 2020: Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger in Deutschland
Engl. transl.: KIM 2020: Study of the media use of 6- to 13-year-olds in Germany
Excessive Use of the Internet and Playing Computer Games in Socially Excluded Slovak Communities
Social media use intensity, social media use problems, and mental health among adolescents: Investigating directionality and mediating processes
Education technologies and teacher’s professional development. The project Motus (Monitoring Tablet Utilization in School) run by Cremit
“What does it mean? What can I do?” Social networks and identity experimentation in adolescence
Orig. title: Digitale Medien: Beratungs-, Handlungs- und Regulierungsbedarf aus Elternperspektive – Abschlussbericht
Engl. transl.: Digital Media: Needs regarding guidance, action and regulation from the parent's perspective – final report
Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Sleep: A Longitudinal Study on the Protective Role of Parental Rules Regarding Internet Use before Sleep