1770 results
Orig. title: ‘Ze zijn lekker rustig achter een schermpje’
Engl. transl.: “They are so nice and quiet behind a screen”
Orig. title: (On)gezond gamegedrag van Nederlandse jongeren
Engl. transl.: (Un)healthy gaming behavior of Dutch adolescents
Adolescents' Intense and Problematic Social Media Use and Their Well-Being in 29 Countries
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder‐Symptoms, Social Media Use Intensity, and Social Media Use Problems in Adolescents: Investigating Directionality
Normative, passionate, or problematic? Identification of adolescent gamer subtypes over time
“One way or another I need to learn this stuff!” Adolescents, sexual information, and the Internet’s role between family, school, and peer groups
Orig. title: Net Children Go Mobile: Il report Italiano
Engl. transl.: Net Children Go Mobile: the Italian report
Children’s online risks and opportunities: Comparative findings from EU Kids Online and Net Children Go Mobile
Parenting the Mobile Internet in Italian Households: Parents' and Children's Discourses
Media representations and children’s discourses on online risks: Findings from qualitative research in nine European countries