1770 results
Performing the Self in the Mainstream
Cyberbullying Victimization in Context: The Role of Social Inequalities in Countries and Regions
Gender differences and wellbeing values in adolescent online shopping
Orig. title: Loneliness and online gambling-community participation of young social media users
Engl. transl.: Loneliness and online gambling-community participation of young social media users
Problematic internet use among adolescents: Psychometric properties of the index of problematic online experiences (I-POE)
Orig. title: Digital technologies in early childhood education – a frame analysis of preservice teachers’ perceptions
Engl. transl.: Digital technologies in early childhood education – a frame analysis of preservice teachers’ perceptions
Young children's television viewing and the quality of their interactions with parents: A prospective community study
Orig. title: Mobbing, digital mobbing og psykisk helse hos barn og unge i Tromsø
Engl. transl.: Bullying, cyberbullying and mental health amongst children and adolescents in Tromsø
Exploring early adolescents’ evaluation of academic and commercial online resources related to health
A Cross-Lagged Study of Developmental Trajectories of Video Game Engagement, Addiction, and Mental Health