1770 results
Orig. title: Jugendmedienschutzindex: Der Umgang mit onlinebezogenen Risiken – Ergebnisse der Befragung von Heranwachsenden und Eltern
Engl. transl.: Youth Media Protection Index: Dealing with online-related risks – results of the survey of adolescents and parents
Orig. title: Jugendmedienschutzindex: Der Umgang mit onlinebezogenen Risiken – Ergebnisse der Befragung von Lehrkräften und pädagogischen Fachkräften
Engl. transl.: Youth Media Protection Index: Dealing with online-related risks – results of the survey of teachers and educational professionals
A Practice-Based Approach to Online Participation: Young People’s Participatory Habitus as a Source of Diverse Online Engagement
The Expanded Classroom; Spatial Relations in Classroom Practices using ICT
The connected child: tracing digital literacy from school to leisure
Revisiting the Sexualization-of-Young-Girls Debate, Case Study Two: Self-Presentation in Girls’ Dress-Up and Make-Over Online Gaming Practices in Greece
Orig. title: Problematické používanie internetu vo vzťahu k zapamätanému rodičovskému správaniu u adolescentov
Engl. transl.: Problematic use of the internet in relation to remembered parental behavior of adolescents
Keep out! Join in! Cross-generation communication on the mobile internet in Norway
Orig. title: Deti a rodičia v kyberpriestore
Engl. transl.: Children and parents in cyberspace
Orig. title: Hva kjennetegner europeiske barn som har erfaring med nettsider hvor folk diskuterer måter å ta sitt eget liv på?
Engl. transl.: What characterises European children who have experiences with websites where people discuss ways of committing suicide?