1770 results
A National Literacy Strategy For All in Malta and Gozo
Internet Safety Helplines: Exploratory Study First Findings
GLOBAL KIDS ONLINE ARGENTINA: Research study on the perceptions and habits of children and adolescents on the use of technologies, the internet and social media
Not Just Offenders: Youth as victims of crime
Orig. title: Uso desadaptativo de las TIC en adolescentes: Perfiles, supervisión y estrés tecnológico
Engl. transl.: Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence: Profiles, supervision and technological stress
The influence of animated cartoons on primary children's views of social reality: an ethnographic study in a Maltese primary school
Online challenge related self harm in children and adolescents; Two case reports
Orig. title: Дистанционното обучение и уменията по медийна грамотност - допитване до ученици
Engl. transl.: Distance learning and media literacy skills - a survey with students
Cyber Bullying Experiences of Adolescents and Parental Awareness: Turkish Example
Orig. title: Дистанционното обучение и уменията по медийна грамотност - допитване до учители
Engl. transl.: Distance learning and media literacy skills - a survey with teachers