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Evidence Base

How and Why Parents Guide the Media Use of Young Children

Study details

Year: 2013
Scope: National
Countries: Netherlands
Methodology: Empirical research – Quantitative
Methods of data collection: Survey
Researched Groups: Parents
Children Ages: Preschool (0-5 Years old); Kids (6-10 Years old)
Informed Consent: Consent not mentioned
Ethics: Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design
Data Set Availability: Not mentioned


"This study among a sample of Dutch parents with children aged 0–7 years is focused on how the young child’s media use and their parents’ guidance practices are related to (a) family-parental characteristics, including the parent’s considerations about media in the child’s life, and (b) children’s characteristics, including the child’s media activities, and the child’s age and capacities to use digital media." (Nikken & Schols, 2015, p. 3425)

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