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Evidence Base

The Online and Offline Digital Literacy Practices of Young Children - A review of the literature (DigiLitEY)

Study details

Year: Not reported
Scope: Multinational
Countries: Austria; Italy; United Kingdom; Portugal; Finland
Methodology: Systematic review / Meta-analysis
Methods of data collection: Evidence map
Researched Groups: Children
Children Ages: Preschool (0-5 Years old); Kids (6-10 Years old)
Funder: COST Action IS IS1410
Funder Types: European Union / Commission
Informed Consent: No consent needed
Ethics: Ethical considerations and/or protocol mentioned in the research design; Ethical issues flagged in the paper


The starting point for this research project was that the majority of children use digital technologies from an early age and that they are a constant companion in everyday family life. However, the research situation is extremely precarious. So far, there is hardly any data on the media use of children under the age of nine, and if there is any, it is limited to individual countries. This research gap should be addressed in this study by the DigiLitEY project, with the aim of building an international and interdisciplinary research network. interdisciplinary research network. (Trültzsch-Wijnen, 2020, online; translated by the coder)

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