1334 results
Orig. title: Винаги свързани: дигиталните умения сред учениците
Engl. transl.: Always Connected: Digital Skills among Students
Orig. title: Redes sociales y participación social
Engl. transl.: Social networks and social active participation
Orig. title: Jugend-Internet-Monitor
Engl. transl.: Youth Internet Monitor
Orig. title: Die neuen Vorbilder der Jugend 2021
Engl. transl.: The new role models of adolescents in 2021
Online fan forums as a space for peer-to-peer sex and relationships education
Involvement in Online Hate among Adolescents from Eight Countries: Correlates and Coping Strategies (INTERACT)
Orig. title: Estudio sobre los usos de Internet entre los menores de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Riesgos y características
Engl. transl.: Study on Internet use among minors in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Risks and characteristics
Online Tolerance Among Primary School Children
Orig. title: "Del fracaso escolar al florecimiento en la adolescencia: La promoción del desarrollo positivo de adolescentes escolarizados desde una perspectiva de género "
Engl. transl.: “From school failure to adolescent flourishing: Promoting positive development of schooled adolescents from a gender perspective”
Orig. title: "Bullying, ciberbullying violencia filio-parental en la adolescencia"- PSI2015- 65683-P[MINECO/FEDER, UE]
Engl. transl.: “Bullying, ciberbullying child-parent violence in adolescence”- PSI2015- 65683-P[MINECO/FEDER, UE]