1334 results
Orig. title: Cybermobbing im Primarschulbereich. Eine qualitative Untersuchung des Umgangs von Lehrpersonen mit Cybermobbingfällen
Engl. transl.: Cyberbullying in primary education. A qualitative study of how teachers deal with cyberbullying cases
Orig. title: Junge Österreicher:innen 2021
Engl. transl.: Young Austrians 2021
Cyber Bullying Experiences of Adolescents and Parental Awareness: Turkish Example
Orig. title: Computerspil og Hverdagsliv
Engl. transl.: Computer games and everyday life
Orig. title: Børn, unge og computerspilsafhængighed - set i et hverdagslivperspektiv
Engl. transl.: Children, youth and computer games addiction - from an everyday perspective
Subjective versus objective knowledge of online safety/dangers
Mobile Phones and Contact Arrangements for Children Living in Care
The celebrification of self within school social networks
Technology and Play (TAP)
Examining the impact of legal pornography on children