1334 results
Children’s Information Disclosure Tendencies On Social Networks
Orig. title: Öğrencilerin Siber Güvenlik Davranışlarının Beş Faktör Kişilik Özellikleri ve Çeşitli Diğer Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi
Engl. transl.: Investigating Students’ Cyber Security Behaviors in Relation to Big Five Personality Traits and Other Various Variables
The Pattern of Relationship between Attachment Styles, Gaming Addiction and Empathetic Tendency among Adolescents
Mediating effects of self-esteem in the relationship between attachment styles and social media addiction among university students
Online challenge related self-harm in children and adolescents: two case reports
Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Problematic Social Media Use Among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Body Image Dissatisfaction
Use of social media and autistic traits in adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder
Orig. title: Ortaokul ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Oyunu Oynama Alişkanliklari ve Oyun Tercihleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Engl. transl.: A Study On Computer Game Habits And Game Preferences Of Secondary And High School Students
Orig. title: Ebeveyn Bakış Açısıyla 0-6 Yaş Döneminde Teknolojik Alet Kullanımının İncelenmesi
Engl. transl.: Examining 0-6 Year Olds’ Use of Technological Devices from Parents’ Points of View
Orig. title: Dijital İletişim ve Çocuk: Türkiye’de Çocuk Web Sitelerindeki Reklamlara Yönelik Bir İçerik Analizi
Engl. transl.: Digital Communication And Children: A Content Analysis Of Advertisements On The Websites For Children In Turkey