1770 results
Young people learning from digital media outside of school: The informal meets the formal
Assessing media literacy competences: A study with Portuguese young people
Orig. title: Cyberlife II. Spannungsfeld zwischen Faszination und Gefahr – Cybermobbing bei Schülerinnen und Schülern. Zweite empirische Bestandsaufnahme bei Eltern, Lehrkräften und Schülern/innen in Deutschland
Engl. transl.: Cyberlife II. Between fascination and danger – cyberbullying among pupils. Second empirical survey of parents, teachers and pupils in Germany
Orig. title: Risiken im Bereich Online-Kommunikation und Persönlichkeitsschutz – ACT ON! Short Report Nr. 2
Engl. transl.: Risks in online communication and privacy protection – ACT ON! Short Report No. 2
Decreasing Risky Behavior on Social Network Sites: The Impact of Parental Involvement in Secondary Education Interventions
The effect of ad integration and interactivity on young teenagers’ memory, brand attitude and personal data sharing
#(Me)too much? The role of sexualizing online media in adolescents’ resistance towards the metoo-movement and acceptance of rape myths
Making Sense of The Lonely Crowd, Today: Youth, Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society
Orig. title: Cyberbullying in Portuguese Schools: Prevalence and Characteristics
Engl. transl.: Cyberbullying in Portuguese Schools: Prevalence and Characteristics
Orig. title: Young children, digital media and smart toys: How perceptions shape adoption and domestication
Engl. transl.: Young children, digital media and smart toys: How perceptions shape adoption and domestication