1770 results
Why go online when you have pain? A qualitative analysis of teenagers’ use of the Internet for pain management advice
‘Happy and excited’: Perceptions of using digital technology and social media by young people who use augmentative and alternative communication
The influence of online images on self-harm: A qualitative study of young people aged 16–24
Young people’s views on sexting education and support needs: findings and recommendations from a UK-based study
Prospective relationships of adolescents’ screen-based sedentary behaviour with depressive symptoms: the Millennium Cohort Study
The effects on children’s literacy skills of reading e-books with different features: Are ‘bells and whistles’ over-rated?
do i know its wrong: children’s and adults’ use of unconventional grammar in text messaging
Effects of Previous Exposure on Children’s Perception of a Humanoid Robot
Digital Makings of the Cosmopolitan City? Young People’s Urban Imaginaries of London
Troubling the discourse: applying Valsiner’s Zones to adolescent girls’ use of digital technologies