1770 results
Night-time screen-based media device use and adolescents' sleep and health-related quality of life
An experiential view to children learning in museums with Augmented Reality
An Exploratory Study Into the Negotiation of Cyber-Security Within the Family Home
Navigating children’s screen-time at home: narratives of childing and parenting within the familial generational structure
Technology and Children’s Screen-Based Activities in the UK: The Story of the Millennium So Far
Parental mediation of food marketing communications aimed at children
Potential of social media in promoting mental health in adolescents
Orig. title: An investigation of digital games features that appeal to young females and males
Engl. transl.: An Investigation Of Digital Games Features That Appeal To Young Females And Males
Orig. title: Pradinio mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo psichosocialiniai veiksniai vaikų ir tėvų vertinimu
Engl. transl.: The Psychosocial Factors of Elementary School-Aged Children’s Compulsive Internet Use As Reported by Children and Parents
Orig. title: Vaikų ir paauglių naudojimasis internetu: grėsmės ir galimybės
Engl. transl.: Children’s and Adolescents’ Internet Use: Risks and Opportunities