1770 results
Orig. title: Undervisning og digitale medier - Distraktion, koncentration og engagement
Engl. transl.: Teaching and digital media - Distraction, concentration and commitment
Children, Food and Digital Media: Questions, Challenges and Methodologies
The amalgamation of media use practices and food practices in a school setting: methodological reflections on doing non-media-centric media research with children
Patterns of Media Use and Reflections on Media among young Danes
Orig. title: Eksperimenterende gruppeinterviews med børn og mad, medier og lyst
Engl. transl.: Experimental group interviews with children and food, media and desire
Photo-sharing as Participatory Surveillance
Sharenting = Good Parenting? Four Parental Approaches to Sharenting on Facebook
Orig. title: Medialiseret forældreskab: digitale mediers rolle i overgangen til forældreskabet
Engl. transl.: Medialized parenting: the role of digital media in the transition to parenting
Snapchat: A space for intimate and boundary-pushing transactions
Münster’s Inc. children as influencers balancing celebrity, play and paychecks