1770 results
A pilot cluster-randomised study to increase sleep duration by decreasing electronic media use at night and caffeine consumption in adolescents
Orig. title: MIKE- Medien, Interaktion, Kinder, Eltern: Ergebnisbericht zur MIKE-Studie 2019
Engl. transl.: MIKE- Media, Interaction, Children, Parents: 2019 MIKE Study Results Report.
Choosing Imagery in Advertising Healthy Food to Children
Game Addiction Scale Assessment Through a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adult Men: Item Response Theory Graded–Response Modeling
Orig. title: Lernen und Unterrichten in Tabletklassen
Engl. transl.: Learning and Teaching in classes equipped with tablets
The relationship between ICT and student literacy in mathematics, reading, and science across 44 countries: A multilevel analysis
Das Körperbild von Jugendlichen in der Schweiz – Studienergebnisse
The social inequalities of Internet access, its use, and the impact on children’s academic performance: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Switzerland
Daily internet time: towards an evidence-based recommendation?
Orig. title: JAMES Jugend, Aktivitäten, Medien - Erhebung Schweiz
Engl. transl.: JAMES Youth, Activities, Media - Survey Switzerland