1770 results
The impact of heavy and disordered use of games and social media on adolescents’ psychological, social, and school functioning
Developmental Trajectories of Parental Mediation Across Early and Middle Childhood
Parental Media Mediation in Adolescence: A Comparative Study of Parent and Adolescent Reports
Sexuality Education in the Digital Era: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Predictors of Online Sexual Information Seeking Among Youth
Orig. title: Media education. Che ruolo nelle difficoltà di apprendimento?
Engl. transl.: Media Education. What role does it play in learning difficulties?
Orig. title: Robotica e coding. Le nuove sfide della scuola.
Engl. transl.: Robotics and coding. New challenges for schools
Orig. title: Pedagogia delle differenze di genere e social media
Engl. transl.: Pedagogy of gender differences and social media
Orig. title: Exergame video web–based per i break di educazione fisica. L’esperienza italiana nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado
Engl. transl.: Physical Education +Plus The use of digital platforms during school breaks for the improvement of physical education and health.
Orig. title: Grooming Online em Portugal: um estudo exploratório
Engl. transl.: Online Grooming in Portugal: an exploratory study (translated by the coder)
Orig. title: Emoções no cyberbullying: um estudo com adolescentes portugueses
Engl. transl.: Emotions in Cyberbullying: A study with Portuguese teenagers