1770 results
Orig. title: ICT Use and Digital Inclusion among Roma/Gitano Adolescents
Engl. transl.: ICT Use and Digital Inclusion among Roma/Gitano Adolescents
Immigrant Children and the Internet in Spain: Uses, Opportunities, and Risks
Media Use by Children, and Parents’ Views on Children's Media Usage
Sociodemographic characteristics of young people using internet cafés
Orig. title: Percepción de los y las menores de la mediación parental respecto a los riesgos en internet
Engl. transl.: Children’s perception of the parental mediation of the risks of the Internet
Orig. title: Los niños y niñas de la brecha digital en España
Engl. transl.: The Children of the Digital Divide in Spain
Sexting and motives for sexting among adolescents
Orig. title: La convergencia mediática, los riesgos y el daño online que encuentran los menores
Engl. transl.: Media convergence, risk and harm to children online
Orig. title: Estrategias de mediación parental en España: factores predictores para los diversos tipos de estrategias
Engl. transl.: Parental mediation strategies in Spain: predicting factors for different strategies
Adolescents' informal computer usage and their expectations of ICT in teaching – Case study: Serbia