1770 results
Epidemiology of Cyberbullying across Europe: Differences between Countries and Genders
Les programmes d’intervention contre la cyberviolence et le cyberharcèlement : quels moyens, quelle efficacité ?
The role of psychopathic traits and moral disengagement in cyberbullying among adolescents
Violence et humiliation à l’ère numérique : une étude en milieu scolaire
Psychological Well-Being in a Connected World: The Impact of Cybervictimization in Children’s and Young People’s Life in France
Hate Knows No Boundaries: Online Hate in Six Nations
Online correlates of cyberhate involvement among young people from ten European countries: An application of the Routine Activity and Problem Behaviour Theory
Orig. title: Net Children Go Mobile: Riesgos y oportunidades en el uso de internet y dispositivos móviles en España
Engl. transl.: Net Children Go Mobile: Risks and opportunities in the use of internet and mobile devices in Spain
Adolescents exposed to discrimination: are they more prone to excessive internet use?
The Associations between Family-Related Factors and Excessive Internet Use in Adolescents