1770 results
Orig. title: EU Kids Online'i Eesti 2018. aasta uuringu esialgsed tulemused
Engl. transl.: Preliminary findings of the EU Kids Online 2018 Estonian survey
Problematic smartphone use: behavioral, psychopathological, dispositional, and educational correlates
A Model to Evaluate Digital Safety Concerns in School Environment
Orig. title: Parental concerns regarding young children and digital technology : an exploratory qualitative investigation in three European countries
Engl. transl.: Parental concerns regarding young children and digital technology : an exploratory qualitative investigation in three European countries
Country Classification: Opportunities, Risks, Harm and Parental Mediation
Utilising Modern Technologies and some Indicators of Mental Health in Pre-school Children in Croatia
Orig. title: How children (10-18) experienced online risks during the Covid-19 lockdown - Spring 2020
Engl. transl.: How children (10-18) experienced online risks during the Covid-19 lockdown - Spring 2020
Orig. title: How families handled emergency remote schooling during the time of Covid lockdown in spring 2020
Engl. transl.: How families handled emergency remote schooling during the time of Covid lockdown in spring 2020
Orig. title: DIGITALNO ŽIVLJENJE OTROK V ČASU KORONE: Kvalitativna študija uporabe digitalnih tehnologij, varnosti in blagostanja med otroci, starimi od 6 do 12 let
Engl. transl.: Digital practices, safety and well-being of 6- to 12-year-olds during Corona times – a qualitative study
Orig. title: The Internet of Toys: A Report on Media and Social Discourses around Young Children and IoToys
Engl. transl.: The Internet of Toys: A Report on Media and Social Discourses around Young Children and IoToys