1770 results
Young, Bullying, and Connected. Common Pathways to Cyberbullying and Problematic Internet Use in Adolescence
Orig. title: Doprinosi li dnevno vrijeme korištenja medija predviđanju obrazovnih aspiracija učenika na završetku osnovne škole
Engl. transl.: Does Daily Media Screen Time Add to the Prediction of Educational Aspirations of Pupils Finishing Elementary School?
Orig. title: Gli smartphones stanno trasformando le pratiche comunicative tra genitori e figli? Uno studio qualitativo crossgenerazionale sul confronto tra le rappresentazioni di genitori e preadolescenti
Engl. transl.: Are smartphones transforming parent-child everyday life practices? A cross-generational qualitative study comparing parents’ and early adolescents’ representations
Orig. title: Ispitivanje aktualnih trendova u korištenju društvenim mrežama kod učenika prvog i trećeg razreda srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj
Engl. transl.: Analysis of current trends in use of social networks among first and third grade students of secondary schools in Croatia
Young Italians between Cyberbullying and Hate Speech. A Focus on Digital Communication Practices
Orig. title: Oltre il cyberbullismo. Il contributo di eu kids online alla ricerca sul benessere sociale dei giovani utenti della rete
Engl. transl.: Beyond cyberbullying. The contribution of EU Kids Online to the research on the social wellbeing of young internet users
Orig. title: Дистанционното обучение по време на кризата с COVID-19. Предизвикателства пред образователната интеграция на учениците от ромската общност
Engl. transl.: Distance learning during the crisis with COVID-19. Challenges for the educational integration of students from the Roma community
Orig. title: Digitalno nasilje v perspektivi medijskih študij: pomen medijske potrošnje in vsakdanjega življenja mladih
Engl. transl.: Digital violence in the perspective of media studies: the importance of media consumption and everyday life of young people
Orig. title: From surveillance to co-viewing: Strategies and responses to smartphone regulation within a family context
Engl. transl.: From surveillance to co-viewing: Strategies and responses to smartphone regulation within a family context
Is my kid that naive? Parents’ perceptions of their children’s attitudes towards advertising on smartphones in Chile