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Evidence Base

1770 results

2016 Şaşmaz Z. Conference proceeding

Orig. title: Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Teknoloji Bağımlılığı Oluşumunda Ebeveyn Davranışları

Engl. transl.: Parental Behaviors in the Formation of Technology Addiction in Early Childhood

2016 Montiel I., Carbonell E., Pereda N. Journal article

Multiple online victimization of Spanish adolescents: Results from a community sample

2016 De-Sola Gutiérrez J., Rodríguez de Fonseca F., Rubio G. Journal article

Cell-Phone Addiction: A Review

2016 Akdağ Ç.T. Journal article

Orig. title: Yeni Medyada Çocuk Haberciliği: “Milliyet Çocuk”,“Hürriyet Çocuk” ve “Cicicee Çocuk Deyince” Sayfalarının İncelenmesi

Engl. transl.: Children Journalism in New Media: An Analysis on the WebPages of “Milliyet Çocuk”, “Hürriyet Çocuk” and “Cicicee Çocuk Deyince”

2017 Ólafsdóttir S. Journal article

Orig. title: Smábörnin með snjalltækin: Aðgangur barnanna og viðhorf foreldra

Engl. transl.: The toddlers with the smart devices: Children's access and parents' attitudes

2017 Кехайова-Стойчева М., Василев Ю., Жекова С. et. al. Book

Orig. title: Разработване, тестване и валидиране на изследователски инструмент за оценка и мониторинг на интернет зависимост на деца в училищна възраст

Engl. transl.: Development, testing and validation of a research tool for assessment and monitoring of Internet addiction of school-age children

2018 Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH, Heinzlmaier B., Tomaschitz W et. al. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im VOD-Zeitalter

Engl. transl.: Children, adolescents, and young adults in times of VOD

2014 Report and working paper

Orig. title: Mein Ruf im Netz - Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Zukunft

Engl. transl.: My reputation on the net - effects on the professional future

2015 Report and working paper

Orig. title: Sexting in der Lebenswelt von Jugendlichen

Engl. transl.: Sexting in the lifeworld of young people

2016 Navarro R., Larrañaga E., Yubero S. Journal article

Differences between Preadolescent Victims and Non-Victims of Cyberbullying in Cyber-Relationship Motives and Coping Strategies for Handling Problems with Peers