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Evidence Base

1770 results

2018 Scolari C. Book

Orig. title: Adolescentes, medios de comunicación y culturas colaborativas. Aprovechando las competencias transmedia de los jóvenes en el aula

Engl. transl.: Adolescents, media and collaborative cultures. Taking advantage of young people's transmedia competences in the classroom.

2018 de Santisteban P., del Hoyo J., Alcázar-Córcoles M.Á. et. al. Journal article

Progression, maintenance, and feedback of online child sexual grooming: A qualitative analysis of online predators

2012 Blaya C., Séraphin A. Report and working paper

Risks and safety for children on the internet: the FR report

2017 Buiza-Aguado C., García-Calero A., Alonso-Cánovas A. et. al. Journal article

Los videojuegos: una afición con implicaciones neuropsiquiátricas

2018 Delgado Domenech B., Escortell Sánchez R. Journal article

Orig. title: Diferencias de sexo y curso en cyberbullying en estudiantes españoles de 5º y 6º de educación primaria

Engl. transl.: Sex and grade differences in cyberbullying of Spanish students of 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education

2018 Scolari C., Masanet M., Guerrero-Pico M. et. al. Journal article

Orig. title: Transmedia literacy in the new media ecology: Teens’ transmedia skills and informal learning strategies

Engl. transl.: Transmedia literacy in the new media ecology: Teens’ transmedia skills and informal learning strategies

2017 Chóliz M., Echeburúa E., Ferre F. Journal article

Screening Tools for Technological Addictions: A Proposal for the Strategy of Mental Health

2018 Salmerón L., García A., Vidal-Abarca E. Journal article

The development of adolescents' comprehension-based Internet reading activities

2019 Pastor Ruiz Y., Martín Nieto R., Montes Vozmediano M. Journal article

Orig. title: Patrones de uso, control parental y acceso a la información de los adolescentes en la red

Engl. transl.: Patterns of use, parental control and access to information for adolescents in the network

2018 Gámez-Guadix M., Almendros C., Calvete E. et. al. Journal article

Persuasion strategies and sexual solicitations and interactions in online sexual grooming of adolescents: Modeling direct and indirect pathways