1770 results
Orig. title: Die österreichische Jugend in Zeiten von Corona
Engl. transl.: The Austrian Youth in times of Corona
Orig. title: Young Children (0-8) and Digital technology A qualitative exploratory study - National report - DENMARK
Engl. transl.: Young Children (0-8) and Digital technology A qualitative exploratory study - National report - DENMARK
Orig. title: Internetbaseret feltarbejde, spørgeskemaer og kvalitative interview: Unges brug af sociale medier
Engl. transl.: Internet based field work, surveys and qualitative interviews: Young people's use of social media
Orig. title: #MeinNetz - Internetnutzung und Medienkompetenz junger Menschen in Österreich
Engl. transl.: #MeinNetz - Internet use and media competence of young people in Austria
Orig. title: Sociale medier i ungdomslivet: Venskaber og ensomhed online
Engl. transl.: Social media in youth life: Friendships and loneliness online
Orig. title: Metodiske tilgange til digital ungdomsforskning: Refleksioner over forskning i unges brug af weblogs og fotodelingsapplikationen Snapchat
Engl. transl.: Methodical approaches to digital youth research: Reflexions concerning research in young people's use of weblogs and the photo application Snapchat
Sexting among Spanish adolescents: Prevalence and personality profi les
Orig. title: Bodyshaming und Social Media. Fokusgruppen mit 15- bis 19-jährigen Mädchen/jungen Frauen aus Wien.
Engl. transl.: Bodyshaming and Social Media. Focus groups with 15- to 19-year-old girls/young women from Vienna.
Stress, competence, and parental educational styles in victims and aggressors of bullying and cyberbullying
Orig. title: Digitale Kompetenzen für eine digitalisierte Lebenswelt
Engl. transl.: Digital competencies for a digitalised living environment