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Evidence Base

1770 results

2020 DocLX, marketagent Short report

Orig. title: Die österreichische Jugend in Zeiten von Corona

Engl. transl.: The Austrian Youth in times of Corona

2016 Johansen S. L., Larsen M. C., Ernst M.J. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Young Children (0-8) and Digital technology A qualitative exploratory study - National report - DENMARK

Engl. transl.: Young Children (0-8) and Digital technology A qualitative exploratory study - National report - DENMARK

2014 Larsen M. C. Book chapter

Orig. title: Internetbaseret feltarbejde, spørgeskemaer og kvalitative interview: Unges brug af sociale medier

Engl. transl.: Internet based field work, surveys and qualitative interviews: Young people's use of social media

2017 Bundesjugendvertretung, Zeglovits E. Report and working paper

Orig. title: #MeinNetz - Internetnutzung und Medienkompetenz junger Menschen in Österreich

Engl. transl.: #MeinNetz - Internet use and media competence of young people in Austria

2014 Larsen M. C., Lange J. K. Book chapter

Orig. title: Sociale medier i ungdomslivet: Venskaber og ensomhed online

Engl. transl.: Social media in youth life: Friendships and loneliness online

2018 Yung Nielsen L., Larsen M. C. Book chapter

Orig. title: Metodiske tilgange til digital ungdomsforskning: Refleksioner over forskning i unges brug af weblogs og fotodelingsapplikationen Snapchat

Engl. transl.: Methodical approaches to digital youth research: Reflexions concerning research in young people's use of weblogs and the photo application Snapchat

2017 Gámez-Guadix M., de Santisteban P., Resett S. Journal article

Sexting among Spanish adolescents: Prevalence and personality profi les

2017 Großegger B., Fietz J., Sedlacek L. et. al. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Bodyshaming und Social Media. Fokusgruppen mit 15- bis 19-jährigen Mädchen/jungen Frauen aus Wien.

Engl. transl.: Bodyshaming and Social Media. Focus groups with 15- to 19-year-old girls/young women from Vienna.

2017 Garaigordobil M., Machimbarrena J.M. Journal article

Stress, competence, and parental educational styles in victims and aggressors of bullying and cyberbullying

2016 Ikrath P., Speckmayr A. Report and working paper

Orig. title: Digitale Kompetenzen für eine digitalisierte Lebenswelt

Engl. transl.: Digital competencies for a digitalised living environment