1334 results
'Roll-out neoliberalism' through one-to-one laptop investments in Swedish schools
Digital inequality in primary and secondary education: findings from a systematic literature review
Language-related computer use: Focus on young L2 English learners in Sweden
Orig. title: Didaktisk design med digitala resurser: En studie av kunskapsrepresentationer i en digitaliserad skola
Engl. transl.: Didactic design with digital resources: A study on knowledge representations in a digitized school
Orig. title: Skilda världar? Textaktiviteter hemma som resurs för lärande i skolan
Engl. transl.: Separate worlds? Text activities at home as a resource for learning in school
Digital Literacies or Digital Competence: Conceptualizations in Nordic Curricula
Motivational Teaching in Swedish Secondary English (MoTiSSE)
The Girl in the Corner: Aesthetics of Suffering in a Digitalized Space
Literacy teaching, genres and power
Taking ownership of gaming and disability