1334 results
Orig. title: Barnbruden ”Thea” – om barnbloggen som utställning och samtidsarena för konstruktioner av barndom
Engl. transl.: Child Bride "Thea": Children's blogs as an exhibition and contemporary arena for constructions of childhood
Orig. title: Berätta med datorplattor i de yngre skolåren -- en framväxande literacypraktik
Engl. transl.: ounger pupils' narratives using a tablet computer: An emerging literacy practice
Traces of engagement: Narrative-making practices with smartphones on a museum field trip
Adolescents' presentation of food in social media: An explorative study
Teaching and Learning in Technology Rich Schools: Traditional Practices in a New outfit
Children’s digital storymaking - The negotiated nature of instructional literacy events
Orig. title: Utvärderingsstudie av Jönköping kommuns satsning på IKT för att utveckla elevers lärande i de kommunala gymnasieskolorna. Preliminär Slutrapport
Engl. transl.: Evaluation study of Jönköping municipality's investment in ICT to develop pupils' learning in the municipal secondary schools. Preliminary final study reports
Exploring the Relationship between Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Laptop use in a 1:1 Classroom
Can Facebook be used to increase scientific literacy? A case study of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Facebook page and ocean literacy
Playing by “the connected ear”: An empirical study of adolescents learning to play a pop song using Internet-accessed resources