1334 results
‘Is it okay to use the mobile phone?’ Student use of information technology in pop-band rehearsals in Swedish music education
A Mobile Phone App for Dietary Intake Assessment in Adolescents: An Evaluation Study
Resources and Filters - Analysing the Digital Divide in a 1:1 Environment
Orig. title: Barns aktiviteter med datorplattor i förskolan
Engl. transl.: Children's activities with tablet computers in preschool
Physical activity decreased by a quarter in the 11-12 year old Swedish boys between 2000 and 2013 but was stable in girls. A smartphone effect?
A web- and mobile phone-based intervention to prevent obesity in 4-year-olds (MINISTOP): A population-based randomized controlled trial
“It’s Only a Pastime, Really”: Young People’s Experiences of Social Media as a Source of News about Public Affairs
Online privacy concerns: A broad approach to understanding the concerns of different groups for different uses
Information, interaction, and creative production: The effects of three forms of Internet use on youth democratic engagement
Sexual Extortion of Children in Cyberspace