1334 results
Zooming in Time — Exploring Students’ Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life
Collective and individual use of smartphones: Embodied interaction in Swedish upper secondary Building and construction and Hairdresser educations
Parents' perspectives on the use of touchscreen technology by 0-3-year-olds
OSINT by Crowdsourcing: A Theoretical Model for Online Child Abuse Investigations
Framework for a Single Global Repository of Child Abuse Materials
Orig. title: Digitala distinktioner Klass och kontinuitet i unga mäns vardagliga mediepraktiker
Engl. transl.: Digital distinctions: Class and continuity in young men’s everyday media practices
From Learning Companions to Testing Companions Experience with a Teachable Agent Motivates Students’ Performance on Summative Tests
Syncretistic images: iPhone fiction filmmaking and its cognitive ramifications
Childhood re-edits: Challenging norms and forming lay professional competence on YouTube
Going Viral: News Sharing and Shared News in Social Media